Sunday, 4 July 2010

hmmm lost treasure

watching x files again. old habits/bad habits. the mind begins to wander mid another alien come government conspiracy theory. i started thinking about the long ago time. the time before some idiot stole my mac.

today i rediscovered a bit of a lost archive, a few bits of music from back in the mac glory days that had been lurking in my sent box. a lot of it was things that had escaped my ipod, stuff that i thought had gone the same way as the said mac. anyway. after trawling through a few files came a moment of serendipity. there it was, sent messages, attached file 'jolly_maties_intro.mp3.'

i'd hit gold; a little something chloe, ivan and i put together for a pirate themed children's cartoon named jolly maties.

recording this was one of the funniest afternoons of my entire life, which up to about an hour ago i'd completely forgotten about. i had to sit out of the studio during chloe's vocal take as every time she sang it i could not stop laughing and as a result nor could she. as we've been on a bit of a pirate/cowboy tip figured...

1 comment:

  1. although joel composed the music, i can't hold claim to anything more than vocal delivery. the killer lyrics were written by someone's mum.
